
Anxiety: An overview

Your body's natural reaction to stress is anxiety. It's a sensation of dread or dreadfulness regarding the future. There are a lot of things that might make individuals feel worried, including the first day of class or a business meeting. If you're worried about beginning a new career, relocating to a new area, or taking a new exam, you're not alone. Anxiety like this is unpleasant, but it may spur you on to greater efforts and higher standards of performance. Anxiety that you experience regularly but doesn't interfere with your day-to-day activities is known as "ordinary anxiety."  Having an anxiety disorder means that dread is always present. The pain is excruciating and can be incapacitating at times. You may quit doing things you like because of this form of anxiety. You may be unable to use an elevator, cross the street, or even leave your house in some situations. If you don't address the anxiety, it will just become worse. If you suffer from an anxiety condition, you may be plagued by a persistent sense of uneasiness. It's excruciating, and it can be crippling at times. Overwhelming dread or anxiety characterizes anxiety disorders as opposed to more common sensations of apprehension or unease. Most people can enjoy regular, productive lives after receiving treatment. This article will inform you of all types of anxiety disorders, their symptoms, and available treatment options. 

Anxiety Attacks 

There is a wide range of emotions that might accompany the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. You may feel as if your mind and body are at odds as if there is a gap between the two. You could be afraid of something in general, or you might be afraid of a specific location or event. Anxiety-related symptoms might include:
  • restlessness
  • lack of concentration
  • problem with sleep
  • a rise in heart rate
  • fast breathing
Anxiety attack symptoms might vary greatly from person to person. As a result, it's essential to know how anxiety manifests itself.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Generalized anxiety disorder

Persistent and excessive anxiety and stress about everyday occurrences and activities are all part of generalized anxiety disorder. As a result, your physical and emotional well-being is adversely affected by your anxiety.  All of us experience anxiety at some point, and there are many strong reasons for it. On the other hand, GAD patients frequently worry about things that are out of proportion to the current situation. Worry, anxiety, and dread permeate every aspect of daily existence, leaving little time for anything else.  People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) live in constant fear of the worst-case scenario and are unable to stop obsessing over their health, finances, loved ones, or obligations at work or school. Anxiety disorders can be treated, so you don't have to live in fear all the time. You can consult a doctor and have yourself checked. Taking anxiety medication online seems an easier option. But, such medication is to be taken only on your doctor's prescription. 


GAD is a mental illness that can also manifest as physical symptoms. GAD is diagnosed using a recognized set of criteria by mental health specialists. Those symptoms have persisted for at least six months and can't be explained by a medical condition. These are the requirements:
  • An unrelenting state of dread and anxiety
  • Viewing challenges in an unrealistic way
  • A sense of "edginess" or "restlessness"
  • Have a hard time focusing.
  • Being quickly exhausted or worn out
  • Increase irritation or crankiness.
  • Have trouble getting a good night's sleep
  • Muscle spasms or aches and pains

Social Anxiety Disorder

The dread of being seen or judged by others in social circumstances is the characteristic of social anxiety disorder. Individuals with social anxiety disorder are paralyzed by a dread of being rejected or judged negatively in social settings. Despite this, a social anxiety disorder may be treated. People can get relief from their symptoms through several methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and prescription drugs.   


Social anxiety disorder encompasses a variety of physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms. The symptoms often manifest themselves in certain social circumstances and may include the following:
  • unable to communicate
  • a tight body posture, and a quiet voice while having social contact
  • inability to make or maintain eye contact
  • sensitivity to criticism, poor self-esteem, and self-talk in a negative manner
  • a fear of worry or of seeming nervous in the presence of others
  • a great dread of being judged by others
  • Fear or dread in circumstances involving other individuals, particularly strangers
  • feeling very self-conscious, ashamed, or uncomfortable in public

Panic Disorder

Anxiety might cause a person to suffer a panic attack. Panic attacks may strike anyone at any time. Panic disorder may be the cause of these attacks. Overwhelming feelings of powerlessness and terror are common during panic attacks. Fast heartbeat, quick breathing, sweating, and shaking are all examples of physical symptoms. However, no specific gene or chemical is associated with panic disorder. People with certain hereditary traits are more susceptible to developing the illness when they are subjected to environmental stress. Parenthood and leaving home are among the most crucial moments in a person's life. There is also an elevated risk of re-experiencing physical or sexual abuse. As a result of having panic episodes regularly, a person may develop panic disorder. The fear of having a panic attack might cause some people to separate themselves from their loved ones and stay away from potentially panic-inducing places and circumstances. It is possible to enhance a person's quality of life via therapy for anxiety disorders such as panic attacks.


Symptoms listed are associated with a panic attack:
  • trembling, sweating, or shaking
  • tingling or numbness
  • difficulty breathing, which may seem as though one is suffocating
  • Physical symptoms include flushing, sweating, shaking, nausea, an elevated heart rate, and a "blackout" state of consciousness.
  • disconnection from reality
  • nausea and stomach upset

Specific Phobia

A phobia is a form of anxiety condition that leads an individual to have excessive, illogical dread of a scenario, live being, place, or item. It is common for people with phobias to alter their lifestyles to avoid what they see as threatening. The harm presented by the source of terror is dwarfed by the threat posed by the terror itself. Phobias can be classified as a mental illness. When confronted with the source of their phobia, the person will be in a state of extreme anxiety. As a result, they may be unable to carry out their daily tasks and may even experience panic attacks.


The following are signs and indications that someone has a phobia. They're found in nearly every phobia:
  • exposure to the source of dread results in an overwhelming feeling of anxiousness
  • a sense of urgency to avoid the source of the dread
  • exposure to the trigger results in a malfunctioning state
Cognitive irrationality and the inability to regulate one's emotions are the two most important factors in overcoming a phobia. 

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety about being separated from a specific person or people, or even a pet, is known as separation anxiety. Adults, not only children, can suffer from separation anxiety, despite popular belief. As a result of the separation, a person suffers from a severe case of panic. Separation anxiety can cause physical symptoms in some people. Sore throats, nausea, and headaches are among the symptoms. 


These symptoms can have a substantial impact on their social, vocational, or academic performance:
  • anxiety about being alone 
  • when they realize they will soon be apart from a significant other
  • an overwhelming fear of being by yourself
  • all the time desiring to know the whereabouts of a loved one
  • the distress caused by being separated from a loved one or a beloved animal
  • fear of leaving them alone for fear of harm being done to someone else 


Anxiety disorders can be treated with both psychotherapy and medication types of treatment. Combining the two is the best way to get the most out of it for you. Finding the remedies that work best for you may necessitate some trial and error.


With the help of an empathetic counselor, psychotherapy can help alleviate your sensations of anxiety. Anxiety can be alleviated with the help of it. In the treatment of anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be the most successful approach. With CBT, you'll learn specific methods to help alleviate your symptoms and eventually resume the things you've avoided because of worry. By progressively exposing yourself to the objects or situations that set off your anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you gain the confidence to deal with the scenario and the associated feelings of anxiety.


You may be prescribed a variety of drugs based on your specific condition and whether you have any additional mental or physical health conditions. For instance:
  • For anxiety disorders, several antidepressants are prescribed.
  • There is a possibility that a medication called buspirone, which is used to treat anxiety, will be administered.
  • Some doctors will prescribe beta-blockers or benzodiazepines (benzodiazepine sedatives) as necessary. These medications are only meant to be used for a limited period to relieve anxiety symptoms.

Disclaimer - The texts with tips or advice mentioned here are only for generic information, but not for a substitute of medical advice. Before applying any advice or tips, you should consult a respective doctor or expert. ATT is not responsible if you have any bad impacts on your health.

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