
Neurotransmitter - A Key Element In Resolving Physical and Mental Health?

Chemical messengers in the human body are known as neurotransmitters. They take the responsibility to send signals originating from nerve cells to target cells. These cells could be found within nerves, muscles, or glands. Neurotransmitters are needed by the brain to perform a variety of functions. These include:

    • Heart rate
    • Respiration
  • Digestion
  • Mood
  • Appetite
  • Attention
  • Muscle activity

Types of Neurotransmitter

The different types of actions of a neurotransmitter are as follows:
  • Excitatory Neurotransmitters: They stimulate the action of a target cell.
  • Inhibitory Neurotransmitters: They reduce the likelihood of the target cell to act upon. These neurotransmitters have a calming influence in some situations.
  • Modulatory Neurotransmitters: They can convey messages to a large number of neurons at once. They can crosstalk with other neurotransmitters as well.
Some of the Much-Publicized Neurotransmitters


Acetylcholine controls the cardiac system, generates muscle contractions, and stimulates certain essential hormones. It also has a significant impact on memory and cognitive function. It is the neurotransmitter that causes excitability. Low levels of Acetylcholine have been related to memory and reasoning problems, such as those seen in people suffering from the Alzheimer's disease.  Some Alzheimer's drugs work by slowing the release of Acetylcholine in the body, thus, eliminating memory loss and other symptoms. Too much muscular contraction can be caused by high amounts of Acetylcholine. Spasms, seizures and other health problems are natural consequences. Choline is a vitamin B supplement found in a variety of foods. It is indeed a component of Acetylcholine. To generate optimal quantities of Acetylcholine, people must consume enough Choline. Choline supplements are usually only required by persons who have specific medical problems.


Endorphins suppress pain signals and provide patients with a positive and invigorated approach towards life. They also act as natural pain catalysts in the body. Aerobic exercise, which is a modern trend to enhance physical fitness, is one of the most well-known strategies to increase levels of endorphins. Laughter also releases a significant quantity of endorphins. Low levels of endorphins may have a key role in various headache conditions. Besides, endorphin deficiency may perhaps play a major role in fibromyalgia. The Arthritis Foundation recommends physical exercise as a natural treatment for fibromyalgia.


Dopamine is required for memory, learning, behavioral functioning, and synchronization of movement. Dopamine is commonly thought of as a pleasure neurotransmitter. This secretion is released by the brain during enjoyable actions. Muscle movement is also controlled by Dopamine. The much talked about Parkinson's disease is also caused by the lack of Dopamine. A good diet can assist in keeping Dopamine levels in check. Amino acids are contained in protein-rich diets and are required by the body to generate Dopamine. As per the study extracted from 2015 Trusted Source, consuming a lot of saturated fat can impair Dopamine activation. In addition, a vitamin D shortage might cause decreased Dopamine activity. While there are no Dopamine pills available, a physical body workout may help increase Dopamine levels.


Serotonin is a kind of a neurotransmitter that inhibits other neurotransmitters. It leads to regulating mood, hunger, blood coagulation, sleep, and the circadian cycle of the affected body. It also plays a pivotal role in palliating mental stress and anxiety. SSRIs or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors are antidepressants that work by raising Serotonin levels in the human brain.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a unique sort of depression that occurs during winter when there is less duration of sunlight. As per medical studies, SAD has been related to lower Serotonin levels. Serotonin-Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are used to treat depression, chronic physical pain, and fibromyalgia symptoms.


GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is a mood stabiliser. It acts as an inhibitor, preventing neurons from being overexcited. Low GABA levels might result in mental stress and restlessness. Benzodiazepines, also known as "benzos," are anti-anxiety medications. They function by boosting GABA's activity. It has a relaxing effect and can be used to relieve mental stress. Following some Research-Trusted Sources, GABA is marketed in supplement form. However, it is uncertain whether these supplements can help boost GABA levels in the body.


Epinephrine, often known as adrenaline, is a hormone that plays a part in the body's "fight or flight" instinct. It's both a hormone as well as a neurotransmitter. The substance is released when an individual is stressed or terrified. Epinephrine boosts heart rate and stimulates respiratory functions.  Epinephrine also provides a burst of energy to the muscles. It also improves the brain's capability of making prompt decisions in times of crisis. While Epinephrine is beneficial when a person is in danger, persistent stress can lead the body to overproduce this hormone. Chronic stress can lead to health issues such as low immunity, hypertension, diabetes, etc., over time. Mindfulness, controlled breathing, and physical exercise are some of the useful approaches for people who are suffering from chronic stress. People who suspect that their stress levels are excessively high or that they are prone to anxiety or depression should revert to psychiatric or neurological help.  Meanwhile, Epinephrine can be used to treat a variety of life-threatening diseases, including anaphylaxis, asthma episodes, cardiac arrest, and so on. The capacity of Epinephrine to constrict blood vessels can help reduce ailments caused by allergic responses and asthma attacks. Besides, it triggers re-contraction of the heart during a cardiac arrest.


Evidence of reliable options to validate the potent functioning and effectiveness of neurotransmitters are not imminent. In some circumstances, however, leading a healthy lifestyle with the support of routine workouts and stress management can help a lot.  Besides, people should note that supplements may dissolve with licensed drugs and be dangerous in many ways, especially for people who have specific medical conditions. Therefore, one should consult the physician before using any supplements.  Symptoms of a neurotransmitter imbalance frequently necessitate professional therapy. Consult your doctor regularly to identify both physical as well as mental health issues.

Disclaimer - The texts with tips or advice mentioned here are only for generic information, but not for a substitute of medical advice. Before applying any advice or tips, you should consult a respective doctor or expert. ATT is not responsible if you have any bad impacts on your health.

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