
World Hemophilia Day 2021 Theme: Adapting To Change

World Hemophilia Day is celebrated on 17th April every year. This year's theme is: Adapting To Change. The day is celebrated to raise awareness about hemophilia, a bleeding disorder that disables blood clotting leading to loss of blood. In simpler terms, the body is unable to produce clotting factors due to hemophilia. It is vital for our body to produce these clotting factors as it may eventually lead to spontaneous bleeding, internal bleeding, or blood loss during surgeries or injuries. There are two main types of hemophilia, hemophilia A and hemophilia B. The cause of both types of hemophilia is a genetic mutation that affects the X chromosome. As the chromosome is found in males, the chances of having hemophilia are higher in men, and women are mainly carriers of the disease. What Are The Symptoms of Hemophilia? The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • Excessive Bleeding
  • Spontaneous Nosebleeds
  • Excessive Internal Bleeding such as blood in the stools or urine
  • External bleeding such as blood in any wound, deep cut, or dental injury
  • Brain bleeding can lead to headaches, vomiting, vision problems, seizures, and paralysis.
Diagnosis of Hemophilia If you are facing any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you must visit a doctor. Generally, the diagnosis of hemophilia includes a medical history and blood tests. To know if you can have hemophilia or not, the doctor will ask about the medical history of your family as the disease is genetic. The doctor will also conduct a blood test that will reveal information about clotting factors like how long your body takes to clot the blood and which clotting factors are missing. Hemophilia In Pregnant Women Mostly, women do not suffer from hemophilia. Still, they can be a carrier of the disease. Hence, the only way to prevent the hemophilic baby to born is to know about the bleeding tendencies in your family and have an open discussion through genetic counseling. When the baby is between 9 to 12 weeks, the doctor can do a hemophilia test. If the baby is hemophilic, the only way he/she can live is by factor replacement therapy, and that's why it's recommended to go for an abortion in case the unborn is hemophilic. About Factor Replacement Therapy Factor replacement therapy is done to treat hemophilia in a child. Anyone who suffers from hemophilia will have a deficiency of plasma products responsible for stopping blood loss by clotting it. In factor replacement therapy, the missing factors (according to the patient's bleeding tendencies) can be replaced in two ways; prophylaxis and on-demand. Why World Hemophilia Day Is Celebrated On 17th April Every year? The day marks the birthday of Frank Schnabel, founder of the World Federation of Hemophilia. WFH has worked globally to achieve treatment for people suffering from hemophilia for over 50 years. The organisation was established in the year 1963 by Frank Schnabel, who was born with severe hemophilia.  

Disclaimer - The texts with tips or advice mentioned here are only for generic information, but not for a substitute of medical advice. Before applying any advice or tips, you should consult a respective doctor or expert. ATT is not responsible if you have any bad impacts on your health.

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