
7 Coffee Beans Smuggled All The Way To The Indian Cup!

Coffee is a beverage extracted from the roasted seeds of coffee plants of tropical Africa. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Although coffee is the basis of various non-alcoholic beverages, its popularity is mainly due to its stimulant effect, produced by caffeine, an alkaloid found in coffee. Two types of coffee plants, Coffea arabica and C- canephora, are supplied almost worldwide. Arabica is considered softer and more flavourful, and more fragrant. Latin America, eastern Africa, Asia and Arabia are the leading producers of Arabica coffee.  The round, very convex Robusta bean, as its name implies, is strong and can grow in low-lying areas. Robusta coffee is cheaper to produce, has twice the caffeine content than Arabica, and is usually the bean of choice for cheap commercial coffee brands. Western and Central Africa, Southeast Asia, and Brazil are major producers of Robusta coffee. Baba Budan, a 17th-century Sufi saint of India, travelled to Mecca. On his way back to his homeland, he had a delicious black liquid called Quahwa in Mocha, a port city in Yemen overlooking the Red Sea. That's when he first got familiar with tasting coffee. He enjoyed the drink and considered it refreshing. In addition to being a coffee market, Mocha is also the source of the famous Mocha coffee beans. The Arabs knew that coffee was unique, and they were very protective of their coffee industry. In those days, coffee was exported to other parts of the world in roasted or baked form so that no one could cultivate on their own. It was considered illegal to export raw coffee seeds outside Arabia. But Baba Budan loved the drink so much that he wanted to bring it back to his country. Unable to resist coffee, he decided to smuggle it instead. So he took only seven green coffee beans and hid them in his beard to avoid being robbed when he returned. Since the number seven is sacred in Islam, the act of a saint carrying seven coffee beans was considered a religious act. And that's how the first seven coffee seeds went to India from Mocha to Mysore and this incident introduced coffee in Indian history. After returning from his trip, Father Budan planted Seven Coffee Seeds in the yard of his hermitage in Chikmagalur, Karnataka and produced organic coffee in India. That became the birthplace and origin of coffee in India.  Coffee plants gradually spread as planted in the yard and later spread to the surrounding areas of Chandangiri Hills. To thank the Sufi saint for his efforts, the kind people of Chikmagalur named the entire mountain range 'Baba Budan Giri' in his honour. It covers the highest peaks of Karnataka. Filled with coffee plantations and seemingly endless landscapes, Chikmagalur is now known as the Land of Coffee. The seven coffee beans grown by Baba Budan belonged to the Arabica coffee family.  With over a dozen different types of coffee drinks, it can be unclear trying to decide which one to opt for. This isn't just a problem for new coffee drinkers, as many hardcore addicts often stick to what they know. But that doesn't need to be the case. Here are some standard coffee drinks you should give a try.


Also known as a short black, espresso is a single shot of coffee. No extra hot water is added, resulting in an intense and flavoursome drink. An espresso shot, which forms the basis of many other drinks, is produced by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans.


Recognised by the foam on top, a cappuccino is one part espresso shot, one part textured milk and one part foam on top with a dusting of chocolate to finish.


A latte is a coffee espresso shot filled with steamed milk and with a layer of foamed milk crema.


Mocha is a latte with the added sweetness of chocolate. Mocha can be prepared by adding chocolate to the espresso shot before adding the textured milk or adding the chocolate to the cold milk before frothing.

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