Science & Technology

10 Apple Products That Changed the World of Technology

Steve Jobs believed in one thing: everything around you "is made up of people who are no smarter than you. You can change them... You can create your things that people can use". And this leader did what his heart told him. While most other tech companies can only launch products with near-zero surprise, Apple has changed the world with its computers and devices, from time to time. Other times. In this article, we'll take a look back at how 10 Apple products have changed our tech world.

1. Apple-1

There were no huge sales, but Apple's 1976 product could be considered the world's first personal computer. Before this machine was born, computers were often sold as a package of components, not pre-assembled. The first microcomputers also used switches and lights instead of using a keyboard and mouse to receive data from the user. With the Apple 1, you still have to add in the power, keyboard, and display yourself, but as Apple advertises, this is a product that users can install themselves in minutes without encountering problems. what trouble. Not only that, the Apple-1 is extensible: it can connect to "nearly all cassette recorders" and comes with a free version of the Apple Basic programming language. on ice. At first, with "4KB RAM!", the Apple-1 sold for $666. In 2012, Sotheby's auction house sold an Apple-1 for $374,500.

2. iMac

The first iMac product had three reasons to stand out. Firstly, it was the first PC to dare to get rid of the floppy disk, despite the backlash from users. Steve Jobs also bet on the USB connection instead of the card reader slots as before. It was also a product with an emphasis on Internet functionality, and Apple called the iMac the ultimate Internet application and the first computer to bring the famous convenience of the Macintosh to the magical world of the Internet. And this machine also looked completely different from other products at the time: the shiny plastic and curves inspired not only a host of other PC makers but also drills, tables, and machines in gaming consoles, and many other consumer products. The combination of aluminum and glass has also been learned by many companies – and the new iMac is sure to keep snobs busy for a long time.

3. iPhone

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in 2007, it was so different from other products that he had to make it clear: An iPod, a phone, an Internet-connected device. This is a device and we call it iPhone. The iPhone became famous and had a huge impact: before the iPhone, smartphones either looked like BlackBerrys or looked weird like Nokia's. When the iPhone came out, all smartphone models looked and functioned like an iPhone. The iPhone changed the industry as a whole: BlackBerry and Nokia fell behind, and Microsoft abandoned its mobile platform (until recently). And this product also changed Apple: Apple is now the richest company in the world. Nowadays, you can find any iPhone product, although the price is a bit expensive compared to other phones the price goes with the quality. And don't worry too much when you can use discount codes, coupons on holidays, and special occasions to save money when buying.

4. iPod and iTunes

iPod made digital music popular. The original 2001 iPod didn't have the same impressive specs as the Creative Nomad MP3 player, but the Creative Nomad, and other MP3 players, didn't have the sleek design and usability of the iPod. iTunes makes it easy to transfer music files to your iPod. iTunes makes it easy to buy digital music, and "tie" you to your iPod with copyright protection (DRM). That tie is gone now, but Apple's music player system, software, and music store continue to work well for the company, not just for music, but for movies and apps as well.

5. GUI

The graphical interface (GUI) is a leap forward: instead of having to remember commands, users can now control the computer by pointing, clicking, and moving. Apple didn't come up with the idea: the first system came from Apple's investor Xerox PARC, but the first commercial GUI computer was Apple's: the Apple Lisa (1983). Apple's interface was also changed on the Macintosh, the world's first popular graphical user interface computer.

6. iPad

It is impossible to overestimate how important the iPad is. Before the iPad, if you needed to do something with a computer, you needed to learn how to use a computer first. With iPad, you just do what you need to do. Play the piano: iPad is the piano. Write letter? iPad is a typewriter. Reading books? iPad is a book. Shoot birds at pigs? iPad is the launch pad. The iPad spawned a whole new line of computers – bad news for Intel and Microsoft. Within the next 1 to 2 years, tablet sales are expected to exceed laptop sales. Apple will most likely remain the largest tablet maker. The digital landscape is changing now: people will buy ARM/Apple-based computers instead of Intel-based Windows computers.

7. Steve Jobs speeches

Steve Jobs' speeches are legendary – and also widely imitated, because Jobs was an exceptional and disciplined executive. He knows how to focus on small details, perfecting and simplifying positive language, and he will practice over and over until everything is completely natural. When you watch a CEO give a speech with numbers at the beginning, a simple and positive message in the middle, and a big reveal at the end, you're watching a "student" of Steve Jobs.

8. App Store

iPhone App Store originally had no apps, but now, according to Tim Cook, "the average user uses more than 100 apps. It's amazing." iOS and its app market is also a closed ecosystem like iPod and iTunes. And like the iPod and iTunes, the App Store is copied everywhere. Apple's censorship process can be a bit heavy-handed, but that keeps malicious code and scams from reaching users. The combination of safe and low-cost apps helps people buy more software. Apple is also selling its own apps at a low price, to encourage users. This working model is now available on OS X as well.

9. AirPort

When Steve Jobs showed up at the 1999 MacWorld fair, he picked up an iBook, started surfing the web, picked it up, and passed it through a hoop. hip shake. Spectators marvel: what magic is going on? Internet? No wires needed? Apple didn't invent Wi-fi, but the company joined with Lucent to give "IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence WLAN" a new name. The result is AirPort. Before airports, wireless networks were too expensive for users. With AirPort, wireless networking costs only $299. And because it's an Apple product, it works great.

10. iOS 6 map

iOS 6 map changed the world. But not in the way that Apple wants. The shortcomings of this application make it the joke of the world.


Above are 10 Apple products that have changed the world of technology. Apple now has newer, more modern technology products, but it was their early products that made them a giant in the industry. Currently, if you want to buy products from Apple, make smart use of discount codes and coupons for Apple, they will help you save money on purchases.

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