
6 Unique Ideas To Celebrate Holi In An Eco-friendly Manner!

Holi is India's most colorful festive spectacle. It is a festival with a stunning array of brilliant colors and a plethora of celebration types that bring life to the whole community. The festival commemorates the victory of virtue over vice as per mythological depictions and reminds all of the power of divineness. Celebrations are a significant part of human life. However, when people are involved in festivities, they must remember the importance of the environment too. So, this year, let us enjoy Holi in an environmentally sustainable manner. This year, Holi will be celebrated in the vast expanse of the country in a more eco-friendly manner. Here are a few eco-friendly Holi tips to celebrate the festival to enjoy while maintaining the environmental balance:

How Do You Celebrate An Eco-Friendly Holi?

1. Play with Natural Colors: The most exclusive way to enjoy this colorful festival is to play with natural colors. You can prepare your natural colors at home with ingredients like sandalwood, turmeric, and henna. Also, you can use your imagination to create diverse assortments. These color combinations are safe to use and can be readily removed.   2. Avoid using Balloons and Plastic Containers: Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Holi with natural products! Holi is a festival of joy and gratitude. So, you should stick to a decent Holi celebration.  Using plastic bags and balloons, on the contrary, might cause damage to several external organs of your body as well as the surroundings. So, starting this year, you must resist using plastic containers and balloons. Also, discourage your loved ones and friends from doing so to induce a safe and enjoyable Holi.   3. Avoid pouring Liquid Color on Others: Using pichkaris will result in the accumulation of garbage, wastage of water, and environmental pollution. Therefore, enjoy a dry Holi and escape such unneeded and harmful elements to protect the much-treasured ecosystem.   4. Say it with Flowers: The most ideal way to celebrate the festival of Holi is to play it with flowers. To play an eco-friendly Holi, dress as a mythologically inspired pair of Radha – Krishna and use flower petals as your color option. Fill your celebrations with musical vibes and joyfully dance to the beats. However, instead of dumping used flowers in a pool of water, dispose them off in a trash can.   5. Assemble and burn ecological waste on the eve of Holika-Dahan: Maintain your tradition in an environmentally sustainable manner. Instead of using wood for your Holi bonfire, use leftovers such as discarded boxes, cow dung, coconut debris, and so on. It will prevent precious trees from being uprooted. The misuse of trees and other plantations leads to disruption of the entire ecosystem.   6. Avoid using hazardous products: It is usually preferable to safely observe all festivals, including Holi. Using improper colors in Holi such as petroleum products, oil paints, mud, or other chemical products can be detrimental to your health and hygiene. It is needless to say that its impact on the environment will be disastrous. 

The Takeaway

Everyone should believe in celebrating the grandeur of Holi in a way that is compliant with the safety of the environment. People should admire and respect nature's beauty and abundance. Humans cannot survive without the existence of nature.

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