
A Complete Lockdown Will Be Unaffordable For Maharashtra: Rajesh Tope, Public Health Minister

[caption id="attachment_5406" align="alignnone" width="1024"]lockdown the financial express Image credits: The Financial Express[/caption] “A complete lockdown will be unaffordable for the state. However, with cases rising and the possibility of a shortage in healthcare infrastructure, some strict measures will have to be taken,” said Rajesh Tope, Public Health Minister for the state.  There were concerns about a second lockdown in the state of Maharashtra amid rising covid-19 cases in the state, but the Uddhav Thackeray-led government clarified on Tuesday that a complete lockdown is not in the offin, but strict restrictions will be imposed to contain the spread of the virus.  According to reports, The Maharashtra government is likely to release a standing operating procedure (SOP) by April 1. It is expected to impose strict restrictions and guidelines for the citizens of the state.  Speaking about the same, Aseem Gupta, Secretory of the State Relief and Rehabilitation Department, said, “Discussions are on for stricter measures in Maharashtra. But, at this moment, a 100% lockdown is not in the offing. Nobody is advocating a full lockdown, including the Union government. Currently, in the foreseeable future, the aim is to ensure stricter restrictions and make their implementation foolproof, instead of a full lockdown like last year.” “Pan-state lockdown is a bygone story and is out of the question. However, as an alternative to an absolute lockdown, strict implementation of local containment measures is the solution, along with stringent action against those who violate Covid-appropriate behaviour. We will suggest a six-point plan, including communication strategies, an extension of vaccination, local community responsibility, and timely access to private and public health facilities so that a total lockdown can be avoided.” said Dr. Subhash Salunke, State Covid Advisor.  HIGHLIGHTS

  • Malls, restaurants and cinema halls may be completely shut down.
  • Delivery and take-home services will be allowed.
  • Local train services not likely to get affected.
  • Strict restrictions may be imposed on wedding and funeral events.
  • Offices likely to remain open with adherence to all the Covid-19 rules. 
  • Gathering of more than five people in public places may not be allowed.

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